Attend a Course

An important use of immersive and simulation-based training is for educating experienced clinical personnel and teams. Programs for these groups can be conducted as either single-discipline activities (e.g. a curriculum just for experienced anesthesiologists, or one just for ICU nurses), or as combined-team sessions (e.g. for doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, etc. from the ICU).

Our programs offer training based on principles adapted from Crew Resource Management in aviation, which focuses on the generic behavioral issues of managing challenging clinical situations through the presentation of clinically and interpersonally challenging simulated cases. Video-based debriefing following simulation scenarios allows detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the performance of the team during the simulation scenario.

Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesia (MOCA®) Course

The Stanford Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA®) Course is a full-day simulation course for practicing anesthesiologists. CME credit is given for participation in this course. Please refer to The American Board of Anesthesiology website for up to date information about how this course fulfills the Part IV maintenance of certification requirements.

Simulation Instructor Course

The Simulation Instructor Course is a two-day course for individuals or teams wishing to learn to conduct CRM-oriented training in healthcare. Depending on the makeup of the nascent instructors, experts on simulation from relevant disciplines teach this course.


Education Program Manager

Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge
291 Campus Drive, LK019
Stanford, CA 94305-5134
