How To Pay Human Subjects

SPRC policy on human subjects incentives is detailed in this Human subjects incentive purchases document . Here is a quick summary:

  • Incentive purchases can be made using the Purchasing Card; they can never be reimbursed through petty cash.
  • The purchase should be made as close to the incentive distribution date as possible. No more than eight working days prior.
  • Distribution of the incentive must be accounted for. Two methods are acceptable: the first requires signature of participants, attesting that they received the item (this method is preferable). The second does not require the participant signatures, but does require a second Center employee to certify the number of gift certificates issued.
  • Upon completion of the distribution of the items the completed form, P-card receipts and P-card Transaction Information Form must be returned to the P-card holder. This must be done with eight days of the transaction date.

What counts as human subjects incentives? Any payment (cash or gift) to reward human subjects for their participation in a research study. These are generally allowable expenses.

More information available from the Research Compliance Office, Human Subjects.